Horny Goat (250gr)


In homage to the legend of Kaldi and his dancing goats who discovered the wonderfully uplifting affects of the coffee bean in Ethiopia over 1000 years ago.

Weight: 250 gr

Roast type: Medium roast

Country: Guji, Ethiopia

Category: Tag:


Horny Goat is a single origin coffee from Southern Ethiopia, a natural process coffee combines juiciness, earthiness and fruit flavors. This complex coffee delivers a zesty juicy-ness of mandarin oranges and strawberry sweetness. A unique coffee blends works perfectly for espresso and filter beverages.


Weight: 250 gr

Origin: Guji, Ethiopia

Altitude: 2100 + m.a.s.k

Quality & Process: Natural process

Variety: Heirloom

Cupping Score: 87 pts 

Harvest: 2019

Roast Profile: Medium roast


Cupping notes:

Funky floral aroma, zesty mandarin orange and a lovely strawberry sweetness. A bright, syrup like body. Medium acidity.